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JM & Co.

Family-Owned and Operated

Introducing our law firm

Your History Experts

Welcome to  Jackson, Morin, & Co. 


We are a small business that focuses on historic and cultural products and services.  Our team is comprised of experts in fields ranging from genealogy research and historic preservation, to data science and artificial intelligence.  We take pride in our work, and leverage our knowledge, skills, and technology to create impressive, long-lasting, premium-quality products.



Partner with us and unlock your family history.

Our Services



Family History & Ancestry Research

Uncover your family’s past with professional research and documentation.


Services Available:

  • In-depth research across multiple archive sources.

  • Detailed ancestry reports with fully cited historical records.

  • Multi-generational family trees (digital & print-ready).

  • Migration & historical context analysis to show your family’s journey over time.





Custom Family Trees, Heritage Books, & Archives

Transform your family history into a stunning visual representation for future generations.


Options include:

  • Bespoke family tree charts (digital, framed prints, wall-size designs).

  • Infographic-based heritage timelines with key historical events.

  • DNA-integration charts showing genetic ancestry connections.

  • Custom-made heritage books.



Restoration & Printing: Historic Assets

Our Team are experts in digital asset production with historic maps, graphics, and prints.


Options include:

  • Custom, on-demand orders for historic maps and prints.

  • Professional digital asset editing and restoration.

  • Digital scanning or other archival processing.

  • Custom maps and charts.




Let us partner with you to build the perfect project for your vision.

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